Year 1-13 students whose health condition prevents them from attending their regular school may be admitted to CRHS. Students are usually taught in hospital, at their home, at one of our community hubs or at their school of enrolment.
CRHS teachers design a programme tailored to suit the learning and health needs of each student, planned in consultation with ‘Individual Plan’ (IP) team members: Family, regular school staff and medical personnel as appropriate. Students are usually taught for one-hour sessions 2-3 times each week. Teaching hours may be extended if the student is able to attend a CRHS Community Health learning hub. Sometimes additional support is also needed during transitions back to regular school, or on to work or a tertiary course.
A focus on transition keeps students connected with their regular class and school programmes. Sometimes students with quite severe conditions can still attend their regular school for part of a day, allowing them to maintain friendships and connection to their school.