Te Korowai Mātauranga mō ngā Tamariki - The cloak of education envelops all children
Central Regional Health School (CRHS) provides continuity of education for students (Years 0 to 14) when their physical or mental health needs mean they are unable to attend their regular school. Most students admitted to CRHS remain on their regular school roll until they are able to return to that school.
Our school is one of three regional health schools. There is one serving the upper half of the North Island and another for the South Island.
CRHS is based in Wellington and serves the areas in the lower half of the North Island covered by Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa, MidCentral, Whanganui and Hawke’s Bay District Health Boards.
CRHS also provides the education programme for students at the Oranga Tamariki residences, Te Au rere a te Tonga in Palmerston North and Epuni in Lower Hutt.