Central Regional Health School
Awhi mai, awhi atu – tautoko mai, tautoko atu
Working in partnership and through innovation we enrich hauora, embrace diversity, and inspire quality continuous individualised learning.
Message from the Principal / Tumuaki
Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai ki tēnei kura tā mātou.
Ngā mihi nui – a warm welcome to our school
Central Regional Health School is committed to high quality educational service, with teachers located at sites across the lower North Island. Our teachers provide a variety of educational options for tamariki and rangatahi with high health needs and for those who are staying in Oranga Tamariki residences. Our students are usually on our roll for short periods of time while they are unable to attend their regular school fulltime. They are supported with an individualised programme to continue with their learning in line with their peers. Some students transition to further education, tertiary courses or career pathways. We are happy to talk further if you are unable to find the information you need on this site.
To our students and whānau: We will continue to take note of any on-going Health and Education notifications, including any Covid-19 related requirements, and through our local staff inform you of any changing requirements related to the school.
Ngā mihi
Jason White
Tumuaki – Principal